Ultimate 3000

Ultimate 3000

Field of application

Separation of peptides according to their physicochemical characteristics.

Coupling to an LTQ-FT ICR mass spectrometer or spotting MALDI target.

Separation principle

The peptides resulting from protein digestion are retained on a column according to its properties (hydrophobicity, ionic force, …).
Applying different solvent gradients allows the progressive elution of these peptides. These gradients are optimized according to the complexity of the sample.

Technical characteristics

Instrument : Ultimate 3000 Dionex

Default configuration :
o C18 Pepmap column, 75 µm i.d., 15 cm, 3 µm, 100A, flow 200 nL/min
o C18 pepmap pre-column, 300 µm i.d., 5 mm, 3 µm, 100A

Automatic sampler 48 tubes or 96 well microplate

Control software : Chromeleon

Installation date : 2009


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